International Program: Thursday, May 10


Muskulosceletal Imaging
Chair: S. Nebelung (Germany)
08:30 – 10:00

8:30      Standard Techniques and Pathological Findings
              F. Roemer (Germany)

9:10      Cartilage Resurfacing Strategies–The Orthopaedic Perspective
              P. Emans (Netherlands)

9:35      New Developments, Research Trends and Future Perspectives
              C. Behzadi (Germany)

Bigdata and Radiomics and its effect on how we practice Radiology: an international view
Chair: J. Lotz (Germany)
09:45 – 10:45

09:45     Radiomics: Chances and Limitations
               T. Leiner (Netherlands)

10:05     Serving the People: The Chinese View on Radiomics and BigData in Imaging
               Z. Jin (China)

10:25     Radiology and Radiomics: How Korea Reacts to a New Challenge
               Y. S. Choi (Korea)

Chest imaging
(DRG meets ESTI and JSR)

Chair: S. Diederich (Germany)/ F. Gleeson (UK)
14:00 – 15:30

14:00     Lung Cancer Screening in Japan
               Y. Maruyama (Japan)

14:30     Imaging and Interventions of Pleural Disease
               F. Gleeson (UK)

15:00     Pneumonia – Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
               S. Diederich (Germany)

Paediatric radiology and outreach projects
Chair: P. Bannas (Germany)/ J. Herrmann (Germany)
15:45 – 17:15

15:45    Outreach in Different Environments – What is it Good for? Helpful or Contra-Productive?
               M. Riccabona (Austria)

16:15    Ultrasound for Pneumonia and TB as a Point of Care Tool when Visiting Rural Settings
               S. Andronikou (UK)

16:45     Paediatrics and Radiology in Nepal
               A. Huppert (Germany)


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