
International Program: Wednesday, May 09

Abdominal Imaging - PSC // Abdominal Imaging - Emergency mehr

International Program: Thursday, May 10

Muskulosceletal Imaging // Bigdata and Radiomics and its effect on how we practice Radiology: an international view // Chest imaging (DRG meets ESTI and JSR) // Paediatric radiology and outreach projects mehr

International Program: Friday, May 11

Mamma I - Breast MRI in the era of imaging biomarkers: More than // Mamma II - New diagnostic approaches // Malignant Lymphoma (DRG meets DKG und ICIS) // Future perspectives in radiology mehr

RöKo International: Print Version

Download the print version of the complete international program here:
180131-DRG-Faltblatt-2018-RZ-Web.pdf LADEN

Do not miss following Highlight-Sessions:

Congress Opening Session

Thursday, May 10th
11:00 - 12:30 a.m., Hall Roentgen

Special guest: Cornelius Schmaltz, MD, Head of Unit Strategy – Health Research of the European Commission in Brussels
Highlight  Lecture:  Research politics of the European Union in the healthcare sector
 on “” within the scope of the opening event. , , will speak about “”


Friday, May 11th
11:00 - 12:30 a.m., Hall Roentgen

Special guest: Jim Reekers, MD, Professor of Radiology, AMC University of Amsterdam
Highlight  Lecture:  Diabetic foot perfusion imaging: The truth behind arterial tubes

The Congress Opening session will be held in German and the Roentgen Lecture Session will be held partly in German.


des Kongresspräsidenten Prof. Dr. Peter Huppert zum 99. RöKo

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